Blog: Ending Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC)

Violence against women and children remains a pressing issue, not just in the Philippines but globally. The 18-day Campaign to End Violence Against Women, held annually, highlights the importance of protecting vulnerable groups from abuse. In this blog, we will discuss two significant laws, the Anti-VAWC Act of 2004 (RA 9262) and the Safe Spaces Act (RA 11313), which aim to safeguard women and children from violence and harassment. Additionally, we share the inspiring story of Juana, a resilient woman empowering others in her community.

RA 9262 criminalizes acts of violence against women and children, including physical, psychological, sexual, and economic abuse. It ensures that victims can access legal remedies, protection orders, and support services. This law is essential in recognizing and addressing the forms of abuse often hidden behind closed doors, ensuring justice and support for survivors.

Known as the "Bawal Bastos Law," RA 11313 protects individuals from gender-based sexual harassment in public spaces, workplaces, schools, and online. It aims to create safer environments where everyone, particularly women, can feel respected and secure. These laws, together, form a robust framework for addressing gender-based violence in the Philippines, reflecting the government’s commitment to ending this social scourge.

Juana is a barangay officer who tirelessly advocates for women's rights. She shares her journey of overcoming personal struggles and how she now mentors abuse survivors. Her efforts include organizing seminars on the Anti-VAWC Act and assisting victims in accessing legal aid. Juana believes that empowering women through education is the key to breaking the cycle of abuse.

As we commemorate National Women’s Month, let us amplify the voices of survivors like Juana and uphold laws such as RA 9262 and RA 11313. Together, we can create a society where women and children are protected, valued, and empowered.

Educate yourself about these laws and share your knowledge within your community. Let us stand united in ending violence against women and children.


"RA 9262: Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004."

"RA 11313: Safe Spaces Act."

Interview with Juana, Barangay Officer, conducted on [insert date].


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